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Virtual Tour of Laboratory Facilities of Mechanical Engineering Department
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Academic and Holiday Calendar 2025
Subject Coordinators for Session: Jan-June of AY: 2024-25
Electives Offered for the January - June 2024-25 Session
Departmental Organization Chart
ASME membership
Virtual Tour of Laboratory Facilities of Mechanical Engineering Department
Additive Manufacturing Lab virtual tour with Dr Vineet Srivastava
Advanced Metrology Lab virtual tour with Dr Vivek Jain
Automobile Engineering Lab virtual tour with Dr Devender Kumar
CAD Laboratory- I and II virtual tour with Mr Ajayinder Singh Jawanda
Central Workshop virtual tour with Dr Ajay Batish
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Lab virtual tour with Dr Ravinder Kumar Duvedi
DOM and Vibrations Lab virtual tour with Dr Ashish Purohit
Experiential Learning Centre virtual tour with Mr Ajayinder Singh Jawanda
Heat and Mass Transfer Lab virtual tour with Dr Sayan Sadhu
Internal Combustion Engines Lab virtual tour with Mr Sumeet Sharma
Industrial Automation Lab virtual tour with Dr Anant Kumar Singh
Machine Tool Lab virtual tour with Dr Dheeraj Gupta
Mechatronics Lab virtual tour with Dr Ashish Singla
Metrology Lab virtual tour with Dr Tarun Nanda
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab virtual tour with Dr Gautam Setia
Solid Mechanics Lab virtual tour with Dr Neeraj Grover
Admissions 2021
-Select Country code* -
Finland (+358)
Afghanistan (+93)
Albania (+355)
Algeria (+213)
American Samoa (+1-684)
Andorra (+376)
Angola (+244)
Anguilla (+1-264)
Norfolk Island (+672)
Antigua and Barbuda (+1-268)
Argentina (+54)
Armenia (+374)
Aruba (+297)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (+61)
Austria (+43)
Azerbaijan (+994)
Bahamas (+1-242)
Bahrain (+973)
Bangladesh (+880)
Barbados (+1-246)
Belarus (+375)
Belgium (+32)
Belize (+501)
Benin (+229)
Bermuda (+1-441)
Bhutan (+975)
Bolivia (+591)
Bosnia and Herzegowina (+387)
Botswana (+267)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (+47)
Brazil (+55)
United States Minor Outlying Islands (+246)
Brunei Darussalam (+673)
Bulgaria (+359)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Burundi (+257)
Cambodia (+855)
Cameroon (+237)
United States (+1)
Cape Verde (+238)
Cayman Islands (+1-345)
Central African Republic (+236)
Chad (+235)
Chile (+56)
China (+86)
Colombia (+57)
Comoros (+269)
Congo Democratic Republic of (+242)
Cook Islands (+682)
Costa Rica (+506)
Ivory Coast (+225)
Croatia (+385)
Cuba (+53)
Netherlands Antilles (+599)
Cyprus (+357)
Czech Republic (+420)
Denmark (+45)
Djibouti (+253)
Dominica (+1-767)
Dominican Republic (+1-809)
Ecuador (+593)
Egypt (+20)
El Salvador (+503)
Equatorial Guinea (+240)
Eritrea (+291)
Estonia (+372)
Ethiopia (+251)
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (+500)
Faroe Islands (+298)
Fiji (+679)
France (+33)
French Guiana (+594)
French Polynesia (+689)
French Southern Territories (+555)
Gabon (+241)
Gambia (+220)
Georgia (+995)
Germany (+49)
Ghana (+233)
Gibraltar (+350)
Greece (+30)
Greenland (+299)
Grenada (+1-473)
Guadeloupe (+590)
Guam (+1-671)
Guatemala (+502)
Guernsey (+44-1481)
Guinea (+224)
Guinea-bissau (+245)
Guyana (+592)
Haiti (+509)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (+011)
Honduras (+504)
Hong Kong (+852)
Hungary (+36)
Iceland (+354)
India (+91)
Indonesia (+62)
Iran (Islamic Republic of) (+98)
Iraq (+964)
Ireland (+353)
Isle of Man (+44-1624)
Israel (+972)
Italy (+39)
Jamaica (+1-876)
Japan (+81)
Jersey (+44-1534)
Jordan (+962)
Russian Federation (+7)
Kenya (+254)
Kiribati (+686)
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (+850)
Kosovo (+383)
Kuwait (+965)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Lao People's Democratic Republic (+856)
Latvia (+371)
Lebanon (+961)
Lesotho (+266)
Liberia (+231)
Libya (+218)
Liechtenstein (+423)
Lithuania (+370)
Luxembourg (+352)
Macao (+853)
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (+389)
Madagascar (+261)
Malawi (+265)
Malaysia (+60)
Maldives (+960)
Mali (+223)
Malta (+356)
Marshall Islands (+692)
Martinique (+596)
Mauritania (+222)
Mauritius (+230)
Reunion (+262)
Mexico (+52)
Micronesia, Federated States of (+691)
Moldova (+373)
Monaco (+377)
Mongolia (+976)
Montenegro (+382)
Montserrat (+1-664)
Western Sahara (+212)
Mozambique (+258)
Myanmar (+95)
Namibia (+264)
Nauru (+674)
Nepal (+977)
Netherlands (+31)
New Caledonia (+687 )
Pitcairn (+64)
Nicaragua (+505)
Niger (+227)
Nigeria (+234)
Niue (+683)
Northern Mariana Islands (+1-670)
Oman (+968)
Pakistan (+92)
Palau (+680)
Palestine (+970)
Panama (+507)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Paraguay (+595)
Peru (+51)
Philippines (+63)
Poland (+48)
Portugal (+351)
Puerto Rico (+1-787)
Qatar (+974)
Romania (+40)
Rwanda (+250)
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (+290)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (+1-869)
Saint Lucia (+1-758)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (+1-784)
Samoa (+685)
San Marino (+378)
Sao Tome and Principe (+239)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Senegal (+221)
Serbia (+381)
Seychelles (+248)
Sierra Leone (+232)
Singapore (+65)
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
Solomon Islands (+677)
Somalia (+252)
South Africa (+27)
South Korea (+82)
Spain (+34)
Sri Lanka (+94)
St. Pierre and Miquelon (+508)
Sudan (+249)
Suriname (+597)
Swaziland (+268)
Sweden (+46)
Switzerland (+41)
Syrian Arab Republic (+963)
Taiwan (+886)
Tajikistan (+992)
Tanzania, United Republic of (+255)
Thailand (+66)
Timor-Leste (+670)
Togo (+228)
Tokelau (+690)
Tonga (+676)
Trinidad and Tobago (+1-868)
Tunisia (+216)
Turkey (+90)
Turkmenistan (+993)
Turks and Caicos Islands (+1-649)
Tuvalu (+688)
Uganda (+256)
Ukraine (+380)
United Arab Emirates (+971)
United Kingdom (+44)
Uruguay (+598)
Uzbekistan (+998)
Vanuatu (+678)
Vatican City State (Holy See) (+379)
Venezuela (+58)
Vietnam (+84)
Virgin Islands (British) (+1-284)
Virgin Islands (U.S.) (+1-340)
Wallis and Futuna Islands (+681)
Yemen (+967)
Zambia (+260)
Zimbabwe (+263)
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B.E./ B.Tech (4-Years)
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